Though a straight line appears to be the shortest distance between 2 points, life has a way of confounding geography. Often it is the dalliances and the detours that define us. There are no maps to guide our most important searches; we must rely on hope, chance, intuition and a willingness to be surprised.

Monday, November 03, 2008

What an Obama win would mean to me

I've been to the US just once since Bush started his second term (back in September '06). My next visit will be during a Democratic administration, whatever happens this week!

This will be the second US Presidential Election I've followed from Australian shores. Back in 2004, I sat on the beach in Byron Bay and wept into my cornflakes as the American people did the unthinkable and re-elected the worst US President in living memory. That was a real downer, in the middle of what was otherwise just about the best week I’ve had on holiday. A group of us surfed, sunbathed and partied through the first week of Chris and Caroline’s honeymoon.

Times have changed much since then, both on a political level, and on a personal level for this author, (boy have they!!) and this time round I’m having a party on election night. The Grumpy Old Men are coming over and I’ll be supplying them with hamburgers, hot-dogs and a bucket of icy-chilled bottles of Bud – all in honour of an anticipated Barrack Obama victory in the November 4th US Presidential Election.

I don’t throw many parties. The downside of a studio apartment is the difficulty of entertaining multiple guests. So why do I see such a need to celebrate an Obama win? Well, I can’t remember when the choice has ever seemed so stark.

Don't take that from me... The New York Times has just published a detailed account of all the major issues, concluding with a resounding endorsement of Obama. It is a lengthy article, but worth reading to realise just what is at stake, and how feeble a proposition McCain offers. Check out the article here:

Though I wouldn’t have come near to the outstandingly well written prose of the Times article, I’d have loved to expound on a couple of the issues, but I’ve got a hair-raisingly busy week this week – Melbourne Cup, sailing and Obama nights, aside from a huge workload before I fly out to India again on Sunday. More on that trip soon!!

Halloween Outfit? No...

Hair raising? Arguably...

Hair-straightening? Certainly.

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