Getting déjà vu again... Way back in September, when I’d been in
So I’ll start with the big news. I didn’t want to say too much about my job hunting last week for fear of jinxing myself. No need to be superstitious now as I’ve actually started work…
I had an interview on Thursday with Opportunity International (
One of the biggest obstacles facing those who want to get themselves out of poverty is a lack of access to finance. Credit, insurance and even savings accounts are often simply not available to the poorest people because of red-tape, weak financial institutions and a reluctance on the part of large banks to expend effort for the small sums of money involved. Often the only options open to poor people are credit from loan-sharks or saving by hiding money under the bed or in a hole in the ground. Without affordable credit or secure savings, it can be very difficult to make the sort of investment and savings decisions needed to run even the simplest of businesses.
Opportunity International have been working for 35 years in countries such as
Other big news is that I’m now 29 again, it having been my birthday on Saturday. Big thanks to Chris and Caroline for organising dinner, a cake and a night out I can barely remember.
(Mmmmm, chocolate cake. My favourite)
Thanks for all the cards, messages and lovely photo from Belize!
Went to the beach on Sunday with Roland, Lizzie and Max. Appreciated the candle, though not convinced it was the only one in the shop…
So, erm... time to start work again. Except that I'm off to Tasmania for a week from Friday. Have to have a healthy work/life balance after all...