Though a straight line appears to be the shortest distance between 2 points, life has a way of confounding geography. Often it is the dalliances and the detours that define us. There are no maps to guide our most important searches; we must rely on hope, chance, intuition and a willingness to be surprised.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Blast from the Past!!!

Hey! I can finally make good on a promise from way back in January.

I did the best diving of my life on Easter Island with a really great couple from California - Khalind and Lucy. Khalind had his underwater camera outfit with him and got a picture of me with a sunken Maoi. After Tahiti I said cheerio to Khalind and Lucy. They have since been travelling round Vietnam, Loas and Cambodia and have just been in touch with the photo, which I'm really chuffed about. Cheers guys!!

And here it is:

(Can't you tell it's me?! The tell tale signs are the dark hair, skinny ankles and the karate kid pose which I learned at Tae Kwon Do classes with Mr Love - wax on, wax off. Oh and as always, I'm letting off a lot of air.)

Update on Melbourne coming up...


Henry said...

Looks like you have bumped into an MSP Calum

Calum said...

I've known a few stonier faced MSPs in my time...

At least that fella was peaceful and quiet.

I've been watching the election build up from afar. Looks like change is in the air...

BTW Check this out:

Anonymous said...

Hi Calum

Alina here. My mum bumped into your mum and she told her what you were up to. So when the information trickled through to me, I thought I would check out your blog.

What a fine piece of journalism too.

I hope you are having a ball down under. I am suitably jealous that you are in the city of dreams. I spent 5 months in Sydney last year and could have stayed for ever. Except that I was too lazy to look for sponsorship of course.

It's the coming home after a year on the road and trying to be a normal person again thats the hard part. But not to worry, I am already cultivating plans to disappear off to South America as soon as the finances recover from the last trip.

Judging from my Spanish in Barcelona last week, I have a lot of work to do in the meantime...


Anonymous said...
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Calum said...

Hi Alina

Good to hear from you. Yeah, Sydney definitely grows on you, though the weather is 'interesting' at the moment. Beautiful sunshine on Saturday and then torrential rain and flooding yesterday.

I loved South America and would love to go back. You have to check out Bolivia, very exotic. And I'm told Argentina is fantastic.