Though a straight line appears to be the shortest distance between 2 points, life has a way of confounding geography. Often it is the dalliances and the detours that define us. There are no maps to guide our most important searches; we must rely on hope, chance, intuition and a willingness to be surprised.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

The Waddin (as they say in East Ayrshire)

The 18th of August was the big day of Kirsty and Gordon’s wedding. We all had a fantastic day, despite the rather contrary weather. Here’s just a few of the photos. (For the record, I did 8 miles around Annbank in the morning before donning kilt and sporran).

The groom and his best man/brother Gregor look relaxed in each others’ company. Mind you, that was before the speeches…

The happy couple.

What a great night we had as well. In spite of the hangover, I did two walks on Saturday. In the morning I walked 12 miles from my folks house in Ayr down to Alloway and then down along the shore past Craig Tara Holiday Park (formerly Wonderwest World (formerly Butlins)). And then in the evening I did 7 miles in the hills above Ayr.

Ruins of Greenan Castle (complete with reappearance of giant sea slug in top left hand corner).

On the Sunday I finally completed the length of the canals between Glasgow and Edinburgh. To do the final stretch, I drove into Glasgow, dumped the car and caught the train out to Croy. From Croy, it was 16 miles to Maryhill and then another 2 miles into town.

Again the canal was quite beautiful in places. The canals have been perfect for long distance walking – flat and free of traffic.

Gonnae gie us a chocolate mulkshake man. After 16 miles trekking along the canal I reached the mecca that is McDonalds Maryhill. An extra large shake was a great reward. Mmmmm…

By the Sunday night I was up to 422.5 miles. But with only 7 days to do another 77…

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